Tommy Sheehan, President of the Hi-Lo Neighborhood Association, grew up in Newport and has a strong connection with Salve Regina University. His mother worked as the faculty secretary for Sister Lucille McKillop, the fifth president of the university, and he had two brothers that graduated from the university as well. Here’s what Tommy has to say about his partnership with our center and the Salve Regina community.

Darren Christie ’20 at Donovan Manor
Our relationship with Salve started back in March 2018 with the delivery of some food trays; that small act of kindness and thoughtfulness has created many great moments of joy for our residents. Darren Christie, class of 2020, created our largest event or I should say extravaganza! In his first year as a service advocate at Donovan Manor, he brought in the theater group, and along with some food from Sodexo, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for 50. After that, a Christmas celebration with the theater group and the jazz band had people dancing and looking forward to the next year. The following year, the events grew to more than 100 people in attendance. Santa Claus made an appearance at Donovan Manor with the help of the Salve student body who had collected gifts as part of a campus-wide effort. Evelyn Alejandro, Class of 2021, started a game night with the seniors here at Donovan Manor, bringing Salve students twice a week. The impact of these small events created joy that continues to be felt a year later.
“If our past with Salve teaches me anything, it is that we have a great future together.”
Those are just a couple of examples of real students living Salve’s mission statement. Through service, we can make life better for those around us. I would like to think that I am a great example of how your students have made my life better and given me purpose. Every student that has come over here has proven to me that your generation will make all of us better.
As for the future of our relationship, my experience tells me that out of pain can come growth. If our past with Salve teaches me anything, it is that we have a great future together. We look forward here at Donovan Manor to a future that includes new and exciting events, as there are many opportunities for students to fulfill their community service hours through Newport Housing Authority. Salve Rocks!!