My name is Rosie Lacy, and I am a sophomore at Salve. I was very involved in service while I was in high school, and I was very excited to continue that when I came to Salve. I went on the Service Plunge last year which is what began my involvement with the Center for Community Engagement and Service. I then took a service credit through my social work class which is how I first became involved with the Edward King House Senior Center. During this time I was helping at the front desk, helping members to get settled into their activities, and providing technology help to some of the older adults After a semester of volunteering at the Edward King House, I knew it was something I wanted to continue moving forward, so I decided to apply to be a service advocate.


The Edward King House provides a wide variety of programming, events, and activities for older adults in the community. They offer boxing, chorus, bridge, classes, info sessions, and so much more. Service Advocates from Salve have helped in the past with many of these programs and have also brought in programs of their own such as the hand care program which is very popular amongst the older adults. This year I am working to weave self-care programs into the pre-existing meditation program. The first self-care program that I held was decorating gratitude journals. The Edward King House provided the materials to decorate a gratitude journal with drawings and inspirational stickers. I explained to the older adults the great impact that keeping a gratitude journal can have on one’s optimism and overall outlook on life. Once they were finished decorating their journals, they had time to write their first entry inside. I also volunteer at the events that the Edward King House runs, such as their Fantasy Ball, Pancake Breakfasts, and Thanksgiving Dinner.


I have really enjoyed my time at the Edward King House and as a service advocate, and I am looking froward to the rest of this year!

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